This Dgroups forum is moderated by the FAO Toolkit team, with the purpose to check that the messages are posted in the right categories and follow the basic rules of the forum. When participating in the forum we expect you to adhere to the following rules:

1) Post under your own name and account and do not represent yourself as another person.

2) Be polite and respect the other forum participants. Do not post or link to materials that are, defamatory, obscene, violent, abusive, threatening, or designed to harass or intimidate another person or entity.

3) The forum participants are solely responsible for the opinions and materials they post. Participants are assumed to be speaking in their personal capacity unless they explicitly mention that their contribution represents the views of their organization.

4) The views and opinions of the participants on this forum do not represent the views of FAO and FAO cannot guarantee the accuracy of the statements made. As such, FAO is not responsible for the opinions expressed on the forum.

5) Remember that the forum is partly publicly accessible so do not post material that is under copy-right or intellectual property right unless you are the rightful owner of that material and willing to share it.

Forum moderators retain the right to refuse or remove contributions that violate the above forum rules.

In addition to the rules we have a few guidelines for writing and styling your contributions:

  • the main forum language is English and you are kindly asked to post in English as much as possible, even though English might not be your 1st or even 2nd language. Contributions in the other UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) are also acceptable but posting in a language other than English will greatly reduce the impact of your message as fewer participants will be able to understand and reply.

  • provide a clear and concise subject line when starting a new topic (post). This will help the other users to understand what your message is about without having to open all individual messages. For example, a subject "Help, I get stuck!" does not provide any useful information while the subject "Where can I find the GHS classification for product x" summarizes the contents of your message in a glance.

  • Do not write you posts in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. In internet conversations this is considered "yelling" which violates rule #2. You are of course free to use bold, italics, CAPITALS and common Emoji to emphasize you message and better express your feeling. ¯_(ツ)_/¯