This platform is intended to serve as a discussion platform, as well as for example to follow up on face-to-face meetings. Feel free to write an e-mail to swissprofessionalsatun@dgroups.org whenever you want to share something with your fellow members.

Be aware that if you answer an email sent by swissprofessionalsatun@dgroups.org by simply clicking “answer”, all members will receive your answer. Please forward the message to the proper email address of the sender unless you want all members to read it.

For any type of communication on the platform, follow these basic steps:

  • Communicate inquiries as specific as possible. State questions that trigger a targeted response.
  • Provide enough context to help your fellow members understand why you sending the question and how you will use the responses.
  • Frame the subject-line concisely and clearly; first indicating the topic area, then the question or subject. (Ex.: Recruitment – How to better find technical professionals for humanitarian posts that are difficult to fill?)
  • Post communication to the correct sub-community. The access to a specific Dgroup is based on your area of work. Peer advice on issues that you face is given best by someone who faces similar professional challenges.
  • Send targeted messages, such as ‘Thank you for the interesting comment’ privately not to the entire group.
  • Send administrative messages to dgroups@cinfo.ch, not the entire Dgroup.

General posting rules:

  • Respect others. The exchange is meant to serve the community by facilitating communication.
  • Consider what an appropriate amount of posts is. Refrain from spamming your fellow Dgroup members.
  • When posting copyrighted material, obtain the necessary permissions and reference its source accordingly. Posting copy-righted material means that you were granted the permission to do so.
  • Refrain from posting defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal material.

cinfo does not actively monitor the site for inappropriate postings. But once brought to our attention, cinfo reserves the right to move, edit, or remove any – what cinfo deems to be – inappropriate posts in order to preserve a constructive climate for a fruitful exchange. cinfo reserves the right to suspend or terminate a member’s access to its Dgroup when a serious violation occurs.

Privacy Policy

cinfo respects your privacy. Any personal information you provide on the website (such as name, position title, employer, email address, phone number) will be visible only to fellow members of the group. Besides legal disclosures or referral to affiliates performing services on our behalf, this information will not be released, sold, or rented to any third-party entity outside of cinfo. The only exception is the Government of Switzerland to which cinfo may provide the member list, including email addresses for exchange purposes (e.g. networking events with Swiss Confederation) and to support Swiss nationals in the UN system. Our service providers will be required by contract to protect the confidentiality of the personal information by the same standards.

Any questions?

Please contact dgroups@cinfo.ch for any questions regarding this platform as well as for suggestions.